Friday, October 1, 2010


Last weekend Heather and I had the pleasure of visiting Esperanza, Sante Fe, Argentina via a pleasant 6+hr bus ride. Once we arrived, we had the pleasure of staying with these kind people.

It was great spending time with them, and they kept us well-fed and well-rested the four nights we were in Sante Fe.

Another OM couple made the trek in their auto with their kids. We sat in on the three sexual education talks they gave at the local high school.

It's our understanding that the government has recently started requiring schools to teach sex ed. The schools are eager to meet this requirement, and OM is more than happy to help while providing a Christian viewpoint on the subject.

We also attended several youth and women's church functions such as this Teen "Happy Spring" get-together.

On Saturday I rode 3 hours to Montero to help with the church's theatrical outreach. The youth performed a short story with a gospel message for 100+ kids.

On Sunday we enjoyed a great church service and Lord's supper, a trip to the camp ground to see the river, and a great lunch with these kind people.

We greatly enjoyed the hospitality and kindness shown to us in Esperanza. The area's heritage is very German, Swiss, and Italian. It was a nice change not being the obvious gringos we are in the big city.

After lunch and much chatting and mate, we went to the part for another youth outreach.

Overall, a great time making new friends, encouraging each other, and experiencing more of Argentina.

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