Saturday, October 2, 2010


There is one girl that attends most of the classes offered at El Refugio with whom I (Heather) have gotten particularly close with. Her name is Celeste. From the moment I met her, it was like I was seeing her and loving her with eyes and a heart that weren't my own. It just welled up inside me. She comes to my art classes and she doesn't even really like to draw, but she likes to be around us. All she needs is attention and love. I'm excited to give her both while we're here. (Celeste is pictured top left)

Celeste has a hearing defect and can't speak clearly. Some of the other team members had wondered if she understands the messages at El Refugio. Then one of the OM leaders shared the following story: Celeste is allowed to take special classes on the other side of the city, but her parents rarely, if ever, take her. Instead, she makes the 1 hour+ journey by bus, alone. One night she was returning very late when an OM team member saw her and asked her if she was by herself, and if she was afraid. She said (mostly with her hands), “No, I'm not afraid because I prayed that Jesus would be with me.” This is an encouraging reminder that we have merely to do what God asks, and He will take care of the rest.

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